
Archive for March 6th, 2010|Daily archive page

3-Page Challenge

In Playwriting, The Daily Drool on March 6, 2010 at 6:28 pm

Here’s the deal – I tend to be a “Write by the seat of my pants” kind of girl – very little discipline and a whole lotta prayers.  I write when I’m feeling ‘moved’ or when I have a deadline, but I also  spend a lot of time allowing myself to watch T.V. or play solitaire.  Not good habits to have.

So I’m issuing a 3-page a day personal challenge.


Some of you may be wondering “Tiffany, why Yowza?  3 pages isn’t a very impressive number…”  Well, Some of You, 3 pages a day might not sound that hard, but trust me, it is.

A lot happens in three pages!  And making a three page a day quota is pretty serious stuff…  If I do this, really do it, I’ll have 66 pages at the end of the month!  That’s a lot (and I’m allowing one day off a week, although I may not take it)

Since I’m already 22 pages into my current egg, that means I could have the darn thing finished (in rough draft, at least) by the end of the month.

What about you?  Anybody want to join me?  Or do you already follow a page-quota routine?