
Archive for January 26th, 2010|Daily archive page

I’m melting…

In The Daily Drool on January 26, 2010 at 6:02 pm

Or, maybe I’m just melting down.

I had a meeting today that kind of threw me, financially speaking, and now I am frantically trying to figure out how I am going to stay afloat these next few weeks.  It’s terribly frustrating to be so broke for so long.

That being said, I had to amuse myself somehow and wound up posting an “Adopt and Artist” ad on Craigslist.  So far I’ve only received offers from people who want to introduce me to Jesus and those who want me check out their website for employment solutions… (sigh) If I get any really good ones I will paste them here!

In any case, it’s raining again, and although everyone seems to be tired of the wet stuff, I found it very apt considering my dreary day.  How’s the weather on your planet?